Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Missouri Secretary of State Home Page

Make Your Voice Heard
Missouri's Initiative Petition Process and the Fair Ballot Access Act
A guide to conducting a statewide petition drive

Prepared by the Office of the Missouri Secretary of State Revised: March 2003

The initiative petition process has enabled Missourians to have a substantial impact on state government since 1875. The best ideas in our state are not always generated in the halls of government. Often they come directly from Missourians. It is the duty of all public officials to encourage citizens to make their voice heard. As your Secretary of State I am pleased to publish this informative guide for your use should you decide to participate in an initiative petition drive.

Missouri is one of only 24 states that allows its citizens the opportunity to make changes in state laws and the Missouri Constitution through the petition process. It is fitting that we in the "Show-Me State" have this special privilege which has grown in popularity over the years.

[ Download Make Your Voice Heard handbook ]

Our statutes contain many specific requirements. All of these requirements must be followed in order to get a measure on the ballot. This booklet was published in order to gather all the relevant laws together in one place for your convenience. If you have any questions regarding the steps or the initiative petition process, please feel free to contact our Elections Division at (573) 751-2301 or (800) 669-8683.


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