Saturday, January 29, 2005

From Dr. Weil::
(noted health expert)
"Hemp oil is a terrific source of omega-3 fatty acids, which I recommend to promote cardiovascular health and protect against many cancers, including breast cancer. You should know by now that flaxseeds are a good source, as is the green vegetable purslane, but the best source of omega-3's in the vegetable kingdom is hemp seeds."

Hemp Recipes
Looking for some new healthy and tasty ways to prepare foods using Hemp Seed Oil, Hemp Seed Nut and Hemp Protein Powder? Check out some of the ones we have chosen below:
Hemp Hummus
Hemp Pesto
Herb Flavored Hemp Seed Oil
Hemp Banana Protein Shake
Trout with Hemp Seed Nut Crust
Date Nut Pasta
Hemp Nut Vegi Burgers (But I love meat!)
Hemp Oatmeal
Japanese Ginger Dressing
Hemp Seed Nut Milk


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