Sunday, January 02, 2005

Saint Hillary?


Smith Space Technologies 1/2/2005 03:53 PM PST

Saint Hillary?

You mean Bitch Hillary of New York.
More than one true American has to keep a real close watch on Hillary's tenure as a U.S. Senator from New York plus the bull shit she has done when her husband was at the desk getting his cigar smoked.
I wonder how many un-reported scandals and ethical lapses she has made from the past to now? Due to her likely run for the White House in less than four years it's time to start treating her like the un-American pro-United Nations bitch that she is and send the Steers & Queers Party to where it belongs (Chapter 7 or 11, or a not so nice place behind wall's and bar's).
I have made two New Years resolutions drink more water and I bet you can guess what the other one is.

Declear the crudase and be unite!


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